Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it you'll never make it through the night. - Leia

Share a pic of them and you might win! Check out our socials for this month's prize!

Being former Cast Members and small business owners, we understand the magic of YOU. Just sharing a cute pic and a few words can help us grow immensely!
There are a few ways you can post that helps us!
1. (THE BEST) Facebook Groups
JOIN: Disney Tips and Tricks and/or Ear For Each Other (these are mostly people actively planning trips and so a great place to post).
Post a Picture and just one short line (see below a list of our faves!)
or a pic and review about us:
Use the hashtag #EDIBLEMAGIC somewhere in your review.
Disney Travel Agent Groups work too! Just send us a screenshot of your post to ANewHopeConfections@gmail.com (because we can't access those groups) & make the Subject Re:Edible Magic
Top Tip:
Evening posts with just our business tagged @ANEWHOPECONFECTIONS work best!
2. Your own Instagram, Facebook, TikTok!
Tag us: @ANewHopeConfections
Use hashtag: #EdibleMagic
Was this a gift from your travel agent?
Make sure to tag them too!
(So we can track and see your post!
Top Tip: Evening posts with just our business tagged work best!)
3. Like and Comment on our Socials!
Also if you like our instagram or facebook and comment on any post I’ll add extra entries! Remember to use #EdibleMagic in the caption/comment to be entered to win.
Dessert/ Chocolate / Disney Puns:
Carpe coca, seize the chocolate.
Come to the dark side. We have chocolate.
Loco for cocoa.
I like my food Mickey-shaped
A dream is a wish your heart makes.... and mine wished for #ediblemagic
These chocolates are fairytales made in the kitchen.